Sending ‘best wishes’.

When a friend’s in pain, it hurts my heart,

especially when we’re so far apart.

I could help support, if I was near,

instead of just being, a listening ear.

I send ‘best wishes’, fingers crossed,

no-one should feel, alone and lost.

I want to help, but don’t know how,

I wish things were better, for you right now.

I will always be here, checking on you,

between the both of us, we’ll pull you through.

I send to you, virtual flowers,

I’ll chat again, next visiting hours.


(SmileBE4Tears)   xxx😊☺

A ‘Must Read’.

I have recently purchased a fantastic book, that relates to the emotions and thoughts that depression can cause us. This book has been very helpful to me, I quite often re-read some of the verses.

Title :  When the world went dark.                  . (Fighting depression through poetry.)
Author:  Hannah Precious


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I have thoroughly enjoyed, reading the beautifully written and heartfelt poems. Such an inspirational young lady. It’s definitely a book I would recommend.



I can understand why it has a 5 star rating !


Finding my strength.


I’m going to try, my very best,

put my strength, to the test.

Fight my demons, head held high,

ban the tears, from my eye.

Copy the courage, my friend has shown,

SmileBe4Tears, your strength has grown.

Determination, I will find,

by searching through, my stubborn mind.

I need to start, my fight today,

starting now, without delay.

Push through the pain and anxiety,

find the true Jayne, lost inside me.

To step outside and breathe the air,

live peacefully, without a care.

Helping others, along my way,

taking each step, day by day.

Reclaim my life and live once more,

this time I’ll be braver, than before.

Become a Hero.


Today I donated something bright red,

not from my purse, but my arm that bled.

An hour of my time, a blood filled pouch,

It doesn’t hurt, I didn’t say ouch.

The nurses are kind, they pour you a tea,

they even offered a biscuit to me.

I relaxed in the chair, the needle went in,

my donation of blood, was about to begin.

All I done, was sat back and felt calm,

knowing 3 people, could be saved by my arm.

More could donate, but choose not to give,

if only they knew, they could help someone live?




(This is one of the photos, of items that I packed in a rucksack for the homeless at Christmas.)

I would like to tell you about an amazing idea that was started by a single kind hearted person.



Last Christmas, with the help of my family, we took part in a non-profit charity event.

The idea is, you fill an old Rucksack with items to help the homeless at winter/ Christmas. Items like: Gloves, Scarfs, Hats, packet food, tinned food, toothbrush(new), coat, pen and paper, old sleeping bag or blanket, shoes.

You don’t have to put all this items in, they are just suggestions. Some even put packets of dog treats as many homeless people befriend and look out for stray dogs.

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My last donation, I managed to produce 6 Rucksacks to donate, plus a large bag of extra items that family were still giving me to pass on!!! (As I have done this a few years now, I have also started adding; a Christmas cracker, small Chocolate treat and a card with a small message of hope)

The website gets updated with your nearest homeless shelter drop off point.

I just wanted to share this information to spread the word and incase any of you would like to take part.


Challenge accepted ! ☺


Firstly, thank you to everywordyousay for setting me this challenge.

Here are the rules:

List 10 things you love.

  1. My children, 4 well mannered, caring lads.
  2. My parents, who love me no matter what.
  3. My older sister, who gives me a kick up the bum, when I need one. Lol
  4. Mc brain’s Faggots, used to eat them with my grandad all the time.
  5. Marvel & DC Superheroes, brave and strong.
  6. Garden peas, can eat bowls and bowls of them.
  7. The word ‘shenanigans’ makes me giggle.
  8. Horror movies, an excuse to curl up on the sofa with popcorn.
  9. Blogging/friendship, both have picked me up, from a dangerous, rock bottom.
  10. My rabbit “Lex Luthor”, so tame and affectionate. (Not evil at all, lol)

List 10 things you hate.

  1. Crowds, I feel like I’m suffocating and can’t breathe.
  2. My birthday, the attention of people looking at me, makes me panic.
  3. Noise, when there is too much noise going on all at once, the pressure builds up.
  4. Arguments, seeing people get tense and angry makes me feel scared and unsafe.
  5. Coleslaw, no idea why, but I cringe if I touch it.
  6. Things out of place, I have to keep my things in an exact order.
  7. Over opinionated people, who won’t back down and shout in your face.
  8. That some people don’t have homes and have to live on the street
  9. That some people don’t have family and have to cope alone.
  10. That I can’t solve every problem.

I now nominate:

  1. Smilebe4tears
  2. Tessa
  3. thepersistentplatypus
  4. jennymarie4

Switched my battery !

battery terminal

My ‘mind battery’ was the wrong way round.

Therefore, my thought process has been flowing in the wrong direction, causing a short circuit.

Well, I have personally rewired my system, so that my thoughts now flow in the positive direction.

I’m going to keep on driving forward, (removed the reverse gear) in my taxi bus….which means there is room for more of you, to travel on this journey with me.

xx xx xx

A lady of strength.

Unfortunately, I am not talking about myself. I am writing this post for a friend of mine, Smilebe4tears . Right from the start, I have been in awe of her courage, determination,  strength, Kindness and loyalty.

Everyday, struggling in pain, she cares for another, while still managing to find that inch of positivity to drive forward and plough on through life. Nothing will stop her, she has set her goals and is aiming right for them.

A sad and stressful past, has made her want to fight even harder to succeed.  This lovely lady has had many battles to face, and is still under a lot of daily pressure.

However, she still finds the time to help and support others.

I would really appreciate people visiting her page, seeing and reading what she’s been through.

Maybe you could follow her blog and help support her on her journey. (Please?)

A truly remarkable lady. xx

Thank you for my award.


Thank you very much,  jennymarie4  for nominating me for the “Encouraging Thunder” award. Please check out her wonderful blog.

The reason I started blogging, initially, was to have a place where I could release some of my depressing thoughts and worries. As a way of helping me cope with my fears and feelings. (Like many other bloggers, I did not think for one moment, that my posts would be read by or touch others).

Slowly, as some of my blogs started receiving likes, then a few more started receiving comments, I noticed that my fears and feelings didn’t seem quite as heavy. The feeling of acceptance and people being able to relate to my worries, was very reassuring.

I am proud to be part of such a wonderful, supportive community.

Here are my nominees, of bloggers, who have encouraged and inspired me. Please check them out!

Nominees for The “Encouraging Thunder” Award:

  1. Smilebe4tears
  2. Tessa
  3. Themanicmonarch
  4. Kate anderson
  5. missj3an

The Rules:

  1. Post the award on your blog.
  2. Grant up to 5 other bloggers the award.

What you cannot do:

  1. Abuse or misuse the logo.
  2. Claim that it is your own handmade logo.

What you should do after receiving the Encouraging Thunder Award:

  1. Enjoy the award!
  2. Give thanks via comments, likes and/or by mentioning the blog that you received the award from.
  3. Explain your purpose in blogging.

Well done and good luck. xxx

Interview update.


Just a short post because I’m still in shock !

The interview, seemed to go by in a bit of a blur, I think I just froze my emotions, but I do remember answering every question! Once it was all over I drove home and started having a delayed panic attack, I had stomach ache , headache, slightly dizzy and was breath heavy. So just sat and relaxed for a while.

This evening I had a phone call from the company, they offered me the job!

I am so pleased (excited, nervous , scared, happy, worried etc…)

“New start ahead !” (Hopefully for all of us)

Xx xx 👍